Thursday, October 18, 2012

Click to Give

Here is your chance to give to several charities.  It doesn't cost you a penny.  In addition, you can earn rewards.  By joining Click to Give, you have the opportunity to help the following charities:  help impact kids cancer, feed the poor, animal care, stop child abuse, end homelessness, and sponsor a child.  All you need to do is click on the causes you want to support then click on Click to Give.
Where does the money come from?  It comes from the advertisers on the page.  Each click tells the system where each dollar of advertising goes to.  See, there are always ways to make a difference even if you can't afford to spend any money at the moment.

What kind of rewards can you get?  Some of the rewards are toys, shirts, hats, jewelry, clocks, watches, and more.  Or of course, you can always donate your points back to the charities.  It is your choice.  You can always save up your points all year to get some great Christmas presents.

Image Credit:  Click to Give
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