Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Steampunk Festival in Lafayette

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Are you going to be in the Lafayette area in early November?  If so, then you need to check out the Steam Punk Festival in honor of Cite des Arts 10th birthday.  It will be a great time.  Check out what Maureen Brennan has to say about it:

Cité will celebrate it's 10th birthday November 10 with a giant street party - Lafayette's first Steam Punk Festival. Why Steam Punk? What is Steam Punk? Steam Punk is a creative movement that some describe as "19th Century meets the future of Jules Verne". It is a movement that stresses that all problems can be solved if one is willing to utilize creativity and collaboration with the wisdom of all ages and disciplines. That is a perfect reflection of Cité - the little arts incubator that continues to produce great experiences for the community and a nurturing environment for all artists and artistic disciplines, despite all the warnings it could never happen.

We've been here ten years and we look forward to many more. We invite you to come down to Vine Street in downtown Lafayette on November 10 for a party like none you've seen before. And if you'd like to contribute to this birthday celebration, please check out our indiegogo fundraiser ( Thanks! We'll be looking for you on the 10th!!

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