Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Results of Bullying

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I know this is totally off of the subject of saving money but it is so important.  Bullying affects so many, and can have detrimental results.  I have to admit that I have probably bullied others when I was young.  However, I was bullied too.  I remember my sophomore year when a group girls bullied me incessantly, and one day they all waited for me at the bus stop to beat me up.  Thankfully, I was brave enough to stand up to them, and acted a little crazy.  They ended up taking off and I wasn't hurt physically.  There are so many more that are not that lucky.

Bullying has been in the news more and more.  The bullying has taken on new facets.  With the internet, we now have cyber bullying which can be carried on 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year.  This means that a child that is bullied can be bullied in their own home.  Even if they are able to move another city, the bullying can continue and spread.

I'm not sure if you have heard about Amanda Todd.  She was a beautiful young woman who took her own life because of bullying.  She made a video detailing how she was bullied, what she went through, and how she felt about it all.  Even after changing schools a couple of times, the bullying continued.  We have to do something to stop bullying.  We are losing so many young people.

How do we stop bullying?  We have to talk to our children about it.  Parents need to stay involved and keep a close eye on their children to make sure they aren't being bullied or that they are not a bully.  More importantly though, we have to set a good example.  Don't talk about others in a negative way, no name calling, or trying to make others feel bad.

What constitutes bullying?  There is no real way to describe it other than trying to make someone else feel bad, or to put them down and trying to make others dislike them.  So many times people bully others and it has become such a part of their normal life that they don't even realize they are doing it, I think.  We have to make a conscious effort to change.  Also, we need to get public figures to do the same.

I think it is pretty ironic how politicians try to pass all of these bullying laws then turn around and become bullies.  Personally, politics seems like it is just a place to publicly bully others.  Take a look at all of the ads on tv.  I would say that 90% of political ads are all about how bad or wrong the other candidates are not about their own views, and what they hope to accomplish.  They are teaching our children to be negative about others, and how it is seen as acceptable to bully others.  It is one of those cases of do as I say not as I do.

Please talk to your children we need to put a stop to bullying everywhere.  Set a good example and try to get others to do the same.  We have to put an end to bullying.  I don't want to hear or see another story about a child taking their life or taking another life.

Do you have any ideas on how to stop bullying?  Do you have a story to tell?  Let me know your thoughts.  Take a look at one of the Facebook pages for Amanda Todd, or watch the affects of bullying in Amanda Todd's own words in the video above.

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1 comment:

  1. The answer is at home. I'm sure that 90 percent of bullies in schools these days are the result of an un-involved parent. A parent who hasn't taught their child right from wrong and a child who probably grew up in front of the television. This morning I saw on the news that a 12 year old girl was dismembered because two boys wanted her bike. What the hell?? I want an explanation from the parents of these boys!!
